Categorie: News Estero

PICTURE/ The hottest 11 transfer rumours of last week

PICTURE THE HOTTEST 11 TRANSFER RUMOURS OF LAST WEEK/ London – Transfermarket window is not open yet, but the biggest european soccer team are allready working to add some players to their own teams. Those are the hottest 11 transfer rumours of the last week: a great offensive team.

Courtois: Atletico Madrid or Chelsea next season?
Debuchy: As Roma wants him for his left side
Marquinhos: Barcellona offered €20mln+Dani Alves for him
Benatia: Chelsea, Barcellona, Bayern Munich want him
Mascherano: Napoli wants him badly
Iturbe: fight between Real Madrid and Barcellona
Hazard: Psg wants him
Suarez: Carlo Ancelotti’s dream
Balotelli: Milan wants to get rid of him
Immobile: Borussia Dortmund offered €20mln to Torino and Juventus, that have him in  co-ownership

Pubblicato da
Luciano Luca Grassi

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