Categorie: Ultim'ora

Uruguay / Appeals of Suarez and the Uruguayan FA rejected, sanctions upheld

Suarez e Chiellini (Getty Images)

The FIFA Appeal Committee has decided to reject the appeals lodged by both the Uruguayan player Luis Suarez and the Uruguayan FA, and to confirm the decision rendered by the FIFA Disciplinary Committee on 25 June 2014 in its entirety.

The terms of the decision taken by the FIFA Appeal Committee were communicated to the player and the Uruguayan FA today.

The relevant decision is not yet final and binding, i.e. an appeal to the Court of Arbitration of Sport (CAS) is still possible (cf. art. 67 par. 1 of the FIFA Statutes) by the player and/or the Uruguayan FA, subject to certain conditions.

Pubblicato da
Claudio Galuppi

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