
Transfer News/ Rodgers on Suarez deal

Suarez (Getty Images)

TRANSFERNEWS RODGERS ON SUAREZ DEAL/ Liverpool – Today Barcelona officially announced that Luis Suarez is a new “blaugrana” player. Liverpool‘s coach Brendan Rodgers issued today the below statement on his former player: “Luis is a very special talent and I thank him for the role he has played in the team in the past two years, during my time at Liverpool.I think he would be the first to accept he has improved as a player over that period, along with the team and has benefited from being here, as we have benefited from him.The club have done all they can over a sustained period of time to try to keep Luis at Liverpool. It is with great reluctance and following lengthy discussions we have eventually agreed to his wishes to move to Spain for new experiences and challenges. We wish him and his young family well; we will always consider them to be friends. If there is one thing the history of this great club teaches us, it is that Liverpool FC is bigger than any individual. I hope our supporters continue to dream and believe that we are moving forward and with continued improvement and progression, together we will bring the success we all crave and deserve”.

Pubblicato da
Luciano Luca Grassi

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